
    Park Work Volunteers

    Park Work Volunteers

    Who we are:

    volunteers groupVolunteers meet one morning every fortnight, alternating between weekdays and weekends, usually for about one and a half hours work. Numbers vary of course depending on who is available.

    There are about 30 volunteers of all ages on the contact list, and more are always welcome. We work in small groups and often learn from each other.

    We always ensure that the projects we do in no way conflict with the work of the regular park staff, who are often very helpful.

    Each session is led by one of our core team. He or she is responsible for safe working that day. Volunteers are asked to provide their own gloves and tools, if they have them. Spares are also carried by the leader.

    We are covered by the Friends' Public Liability Insurance.

    Recent Activity:

    Balsam bashing with other community groups (June 2023)

    The park volunteers were joined by volunteers from the Friends of ChristchurchIncredible Edible Todmorden, and local cooperative Forus Tree to tackle the Himilayan balsam growing at the back of the Cricket Club. If it is left to flower and seed it can quickly invade the woodland.

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     Wildflower planting (May 2023)

    We joined forces with Incredible Edible Todmorden to plant wildflower plugs in the banking towards and in front of the bandstand. Calderdale MBC have stopped mowing these areas to provide food for bees and other pollinators, and lots of flowers for all park users to enjoy.

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    Lizzie Freeston Bench (September 2021)
















    Hedgerow Project

    With a grant kindly given by The Reaps Moss Community Benefit Fund in 2018 we have planted a hedgerow to encourage small birds and insects.

    Hedgerow Project www

    Hedgerow Project Volunteers www


    Sunshine bench


    In a space left after the removal of some big rhododendrons, we designed and created a new pathway and hard standing for a bench in the sunshine that is accessible for wheelchair users.

    The bench itself was provided by the Town Council and put in place by the park staff in the autumn of 2017.

    During the winter, volunteers then put in shrubs to fill the gaps. Wildflower sowing is also part of the design.


    Centenary Garden

    This park was created in 1912 from the Fielden estate, as outlined in the historical notes. 

    We marked this centenary with a stone seat as a memorial, and new flower beds, on the other side of the main path from Centre Vale mansion and the Lucky Dog.

    We were granted money for the project from the Town Council and Ward Forum.

    Volunteers will put in some annual border plants to add lots of colour for the summer.image.jpeg


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    volunteers woodlandWoodland work

    If you aren’t that interested in garden work we also use many sessions carrying out simple woodland management.

    Calderdale’s Countryside Team do the tree felling and cutting back of big trees, and the Friends volunteers clear undergrowth, and take out ash and beech saplings and brambles.  These are often so close together that they crowd out and dominate, allowing little else can grow.

    We open up small glades in the woods and clear around streams to let in the sunlight and encourage a much more varied ecology; birds, insects, as well as plant life.

    (See also the Woodland Management section on our Latest News page.)




    Fruit Garden

    This patch near the little red “Japanese bridge” was planted by our volunteers from our own funds and with donations of plants.

    We have put in black and red currants, gooseberries and blueberries and lots of herb planting.

    This is a work in progress.





    © 2019 Friends of Centre Vale Park. All Rights Reserved.